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Posted Jan 10, 2023 - 08:36 UTC

WPM - 5 Best Methods to Achieve Mastery in Typing

wpm- typing methods
Being able to type on the computer keyboard in the quickest possible time with accuracy is an essential skill in today’s digital world.

Most academic and professional works now require computer proficiency in which typing is a crucial part thereof.

From encoding documents to researching topics for publication – all these would involve some typing. And so, imagine if you can’t quickly do this.

You’d surely spend long hours on the task which would normally require a few minutes for the experts. That’s an unfortunate event for most neophytes.

It is, then, important to focus on developing mastery of computer skills – and typing is one. You can enroll in online typing programs that are primarily intended for improving the typing skills of any individual. Here word per minute online program helps to measure your wpm speed.

In the course of your study, you’ll be facilitated and given the resources in the modes of fun and exciting activities. You’ll surely enjoy that.

But at this stage where you still probably think of joining a program, you might find it helpful to refer to the following methods that can help you decide and eventually get into the hands-on experience of mastery:

Establish Effective Typing Habits Suited to You

Some people have learned to master the keyboard on their own – no formal training whatsoever. It’s basic, after all. But here’s the correct way and wrong way of doing the job.

If you do it wrong, you can’t achieve optimum speed and accuracy, plus you’ll probably experience some strain on your hands.

This possible downside of self-learning gives reason for investing in formal study and training.

What’s a small amount of money to learn the correct way of typing? Right? Nevertheless, you can establish typing habits that suit your hand movements – that which you’re most comfortable with, even though that may not be correct at all in the context of formal training.

That’s just a good option if you so set aside going into formal training for this purpose.

Learn to Use All Your Fingers in Typing

wpm- learn typing
Proper placement of each finger on the keyboard is important. You’ll learn about this when you enroll in a formal training course.

Through activities intended for practice, you can develop quick typing speed and be able to type with ease.

To give you the salient points on this subject, it is recommended that you focus on the F key and J key as this will help you find the correct finger placement.

Ideally, these are the keys where your index fingers should rest, while all others fall into place. You’ll gain mastery of typing as you get used to the correct finger placement and movement regularly of doing the task.

Practice Touch Typing Regularly

Touch typing means having to type letters without looking at the keyboard. You may not be able to do this initially, but as you continuously do the typing, you’ll develop a memory of your finger movement.

Seasoned typists have once started as beginners, and they can tell you that looking at the keyboard simply slows them down. But of course, to get to that level of mastery, you need to practice.

Start this by typing letters, and as you go along the process, you have to remember the position of each letter.

In the event you forgot the position of the letter, it’s normal to sneak on the keyboard. As part of the practice though, you need to practice typing without looking until you finally master touch typing.

Memorize Basic Keyboard Shortcuts

wpm- basic keyboard shortcut
Windows and Mac OS have keyboard shortcuts. Regardless of which system you use, it is a proven strategy for quick and accurate typing to memorize as many keyboard shortcuts as possible.

The reason is this: Why do you still have to use the mouse and click for tabs if you can command the computer with shortcuts? That’s obvious.

Typing will make the whole task simpler and quicker. It will save you time and effort. You can refer to online resources to familiarize yourself with basic keyboard shortcuts.

Then once you memorized each one, make it part of your practice to apply them.

Make Use of Apps or Online Programs

There are now many apps and online programs that you can use for typing practice and eventually gain mastery.

You can download some for free, while others may require some fees. For online tutorials – which can be ideal – you can access many resources to teach you everything needed for quick and accurate typing.

They use fun activities, too, so the process of learning won’t bore you. Kids and adults alike are encouraged to have this option tried to elevate their level from beginner to amateur to expert. It’s an advantage in the workplace and school.

Once you gain mastery in typing, you’ll be able to increase work efficiency or academic performance as well. That’s the reward that would make your learning and practice all worthwhile.


Why Is Typing so Hard?

This is because it takes time for the muscles in your hands to develop so you can make the controlled movements touch typing requires.

Can I Learn Typing In 30 Days?

Practicing 'little and often' (15 -30 minutes a day) works much better than an hour or more once a week. If you practice regularly and don't give up, you should be able to learn to touch type fluently in 2-3 months, maybe even less. A total of 10 – 15 hours of practice should get you to touch typing slowly.

Who Is The Fastest Typer In The World?

Since 2005, The current office holder of the title of fastest typer in the world wpm, on a computer, is Barbara Blackburn (using a Dvorak simplified keyboard and typing in the English language). Barbara's record has managed to remain unbeaten, with a top typing speed of 212 words per minute (wpm).

What Is The Secret To Typing Fast?

Limit your hand and finger movement only to what is necessary to press a specific key. Keep your hands and fingers close to the base position. This improves typing speed and reduces stress on the hands. Pay attention to ring fingers and little fingers, since they are considerably underdeveloped.

Conclusion :

I hope this information will be helpful to you. My tip to improve your typing speed is to not only practice often, but practice correctly. Try to get rid of bad typing habits and replace them with good ones. If your dream is to become a Master in Typing, I hope that the above 5 methods will be helpful.
Posted Jan 04, 2023 - 10:41 UTC